Posted On: 24-Jan-2024 04:50:54 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Allison F. Gonzalez


Last week I lost my Airpods.... I swear I almost died because I need my Airpods to survive other peoples horrible music taste or just loud things, I use them to call with my boyfriend and all that you know. So last week in AP human geography I get up and they fall out of my pocket, I heard them fall like I heard the thud but then when I try to like pick them up they're gone and I searched for them all throughout the classroom and I couldn't find them so I kinda just gave up. Then yesterday I went to AP human geo again in the same seat and I don't know how but like I kind of put my hand in the space between the seat of my desk and the bar attached to it to hold the desk, and there they were. I was really happy that i found them. 


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