Posted On: 24-Jan-2024 10:07:07 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10

My weekend

I went to Las Vegas this past weekend for a cheer competition. I left saturday and i came back tuseday.. Saturday i had cheer practice in Las Vegas. Then Sunday was competition day day 1. That day i did very good, besides one thing, someone touched while flipping upside down. Then after that competition i went to the movies with my friends and we were not able to bring food inside the movie theater so we had to put it in our clothes which was super funny. We watched mean girls and it was the worst movie to ever exist ever, its so bad. Then on Monday it was competition day 2. That day i also did very good but 2 stunts fell which was not good at all. We thought we were going to lose because we had falls, but we won and i was so happy and i am for ever grateful. 


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