Posted On: 25-Jan-2024 06:09:03 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: HunnyBunch

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts/Little rants.

Idek what to write in these articles anymore so im literally just writing gibberish. So soccer season is actually ending now which makes me lowks sad cuz like ill miss the practices everyday, ill miss talking to my friends and seeing them even after school, the team bondings, the free food from Dr. Jorge or other teammates, and the most important one of all, leaving out of class early and skipping periods for away or early games. I luved leaving school early and thats why i like game days so much. like why does it have to be over???? Anyways.... ive been feeling so fat lately cuz like even though i do sports and excersie, when i get home i literally eat and then sit down to do homework. im sure thats not the best. And like at school I be munching up the school lunch ad be wasting so much money too. Literally a death combo. Wasting money while gaining so much new fat. But i mean as long as im happy ig. I also started to give more time to my hubby cuz like he thinks he can just run out with another girl, like sir uhhh nooo. but yeah thats literally it im pretty boring but this is os long cuz i like listening to the keyboard when i type. :)


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