Posted On: 29-Jan-2024 06:40:31 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: blueberrymentos


I love Joji. HIs music is usually a little depressing and kind of melancholic but it has a very personal effect to it. My favorite song by him is called Glimpse of us, its about his next relationship after a serious one. It talks about how wonderful his new girlfriend is, but no matter what she does, the image o fhis ex will always be there. He looks for her in his girlfriends actions and in his girlfriends touch. No matter what, his ex will always have a mark on him. he hopes that one day they can find eachother. He says hes over the relationship and that he's moved on, but hes only passing time in another girls arms hoping to find a glimpse of their old relationship. 


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