Posted On: 29-Jan-2024 06:46:28 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Isabella Lopez

The season is ending

I am slowly realizing that I am going to be missing basketball season because it is slowly coming to an end. I am going to miss the team that I had this year because I actually like my team but I am going to miss all of us having to struggle with school together but we still got through finals and as the season comes to an end I know that our grades are going to go up. I am not only going to be missing my varsity team but also the girls on jv because they would always tell us how bad we were going to be running at the next practice. What I am going to be missing the most is when we would go in the vans or in a bus to go to our away games because it was a time that we would actually get more of a chance to bond. 


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