Posted On: 29-Jan-2024 08:19:56 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: jackie


January so far

January has been fun because in the beginning of the month my family took us to the snow. We had so much fun playing around in the snow. After that they took us to eat some tacos because we were starving. The next day they took us to the movies ( I don't remember the movie). A week later, I had to return back to school. School was still the same but I had to start my conformation class. That class is fun because I made new friends. A few days after, my mom took me and my aunt to get our nails done. On Thursday of last week, I went to Disneyland. I had way too much fun getting on all the rides. 2 days later we celebrated my dad's birthday on Saturday. This month has been sooo much fun. Hopefully all the other months are fun too. 


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