Posted On: 29-Jan-2024 08:29:43 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: HunnyBunch



So i think that soccer is going to make it to playoffs. When this season started it was really rough and kind of like we were gonna be last place in league. But surprisingly were like in 4th place and not even that bad. i feel like our team has potential but we just need to connect more as a WHOLE and as a TEAM. We have really great players and good formation and leadership, but I just think we need to showcase that on the field. We also just won our senior night a few days ago so that was exciting. I just hope that we make we actually make it far into playoffs and at least come in second or something. Cuz lowks our team is better than most of the teams in league but something just happens on the field that we just dont communicate and end up losing. But we've been on a winning streak so hopefully nothing happens and we continue to win.


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