Posted On: 29-Jan-2024 10:14:28 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10


My weekend was very good. On Saturday i had a cheer competition and i did very good. It was one of my best friends last performance with me ever and i was very sad. My team did very good besides a little thing that we messed up on but that did not really matter because we still scored high and won. We won grand champions which is the highest score in the whole competition, then i got the highest score in my level, then i got first place, then if we won the last time we went to that competition then we get a little light up crown for being a double champion. One of my very good friends came to watch me perform and it was very fun, then after the competition i went to eat at In n Out with my friend and it was super good. Then my other friends picked me up and i went to a sleep over with them. I stood up very late with them just talking to them, and the time went by very fast and then i also watch Netflix at my friends. 


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