Posted On: 05-Dec-2019 09:50:45 Posted In: Other / Fictional
Posted By: Minecraft

My life in a Zombie Apocalypse

     One day, I was with my family having a normal boring day, we were going to the park but I wasn't to entusiastic about it but I didn't want to say anyting. Then, once we got home I had to watch the news with my parents because they wanted me to stay with them to spend time together. Once they turned it on, I just drifted off but then the first thing I heard was somebody screaming. I thought it was someone that was just crazy and I ignored it but when I glanced at the T.V., I just saw bodies and blood splatter every where, thats when I noticed that where that was happening was near me. I saw the person with the camera and the person that was running away earlier were being chased by savages, ZOMBIES! I told my mom and dad that a zombie apocalypse was happening but I don't think they needed the warning. I started hearing the screams of people being eaten alive. We started crying and hoped that we wouldn't get eaten. I remembered we had a bomb shelter and the door is heavily guarded with 5 pounds of steel We rushed down ther which was down the hallway but the zombies started to break in and we rushed to the door. My dad had a hand gun, my mom had a bat, and I had a kitchen knife. We started defending ourselves and we were close but my mom was getting dragged by a crawler and I killed the crawler with the knife and hoped it didn't bite her. Luckily it didn't bite her and we made it to the bomb shelter and wew were safe.



The Unknown

If anyone is out there, report to Figuroa. The zombies are here. I am here with 4 other survivors. We are evacuating other survivors. Please respond!!!

Feb 04, 2020


I am editing today

Jan 30, 2020

The Unknown


Jan 21, 2020



Dec 11, 2019

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