Posted On: 30-Jan-2024 07:36:40 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah

How to Get to the Store From Your Imaginary House

First, you get out of bed and get your keys, wallet, and phone. Next, you step out of your house, lock the door, and walk to the garage, in there is the car. The car is a bug car. Then, you get into your car and start your engine. Once you start your engine, you can move your car from park to drive. After, you leave the garage and now on the road. You can now drive to the store. From here you make a left and enter 77 street. From 77 street drive straight to Young Ave., you then make a left on Intern Way. After that, you go right on 89 street and go straight from there. After 3 or 4 blocks you made it to the store. Make a left to enter the parking lot. You're welcome. 


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