Posted On: 31-Jan-2024 04:39:33 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Ariana Castro

The clinic

I went to the clinic yesterday. I went for just a physical. I went to geet a phisical so i can play softball for my school. i thought i just went do i can get checked. We had to wait for about an hour just so ican get checked. I had an appointment for 11 in the morning. I was tired and the nurse and to give me a shot. I wasnt ready to get a shot because its been a while science i got one. The shot was to prevent physical cancer. She also tested my eyesight but i knew my left eye was more blind than my right eye. I also need to go to the eyedoctor before february 29. I am looking forward to getting new glasses so i can wear them everyday. 


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