Posted On: 31-Jan-2024 09:53:41 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10

What comes up on my instagram

When I go on social media I see cheerleading things, famous girls, and ASMRs. Why cheerleading things pop up on my feed is because I do cheerleading and I love watching famous cheerleaders and all the things that I want to do someday. Why famous girls pop up on my feed is because they are famous, fit, and very pretty. Also sense there famous they have a lot of money so I like seeing the things they are able to afford that I know I can’t. Watching the life of rich people is very cool. Then why ASMRs pop up is because the food looks always very good and it’s very satisfying to watch people eat it, so I’ll like it and sense I like it more will pop up. 


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