Posted On: 02-Feb-2024 05:47:54 Posted In: Other / ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Posted By: ikill_em

Its Friday

Today is Friday, and I really don't want to be in school because it's Friday.Friday should be a rest day since we come out early anyway. Tomorrow is a big day for me because I am having my first fight. I am really excited and kind of nervous, but mostly excited. I went to sparring yesterday, and they told me that I might be fighting a boy because their are no girls. Which is whatever because I spar people who are way bigger and stronger than me, so I hope I do well.I do not care if I lose, as I long know that I tried my best, then I will be happy anyway. This is just my first fight I have a lot of ahead of me 


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