Posted On: 05-Feb-2024 06:32:50 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: blueberrymentos


January was the lowest point of my school year so far, and probably one of the worst points of my life so far in general. For the first week of January I was in North Carolina which was really good and I really enjoyed, but everything went downhill when I came back. I honestly went through it the whole month of January after the first week. I was put through so much that month, with school and being in a relationship that drained me a lot. January was so low for me, I was the most drained and towards the end, probably one of the most depressed I've ever been. I have a lot of recovering to do and a big academic comeback to make because mentally, I was so bad that I just wouldn't do my homework or classwork because I couldnt focus.


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