Posted On: 11-Dec-2019 06:47:54 Posted In: Family / christmas
Posted By: nevaeh_vsco girl

its a scary dream

  once upon a time on a reguler  day i was at my cusions ruby house on a sleep over and we heard a wried  noise so we went to go check it out. when we went we heard it again it was coming from the dark attic it was so dark we had to bring two flaslights. the most scary part was that the attic was on the roof so we pulled the string down and pulled the latter down and climbe up . it was so cold and dark up there .the noise was getting llouder and louder and then there was a big BANG comeing from the the dark scary coner .i told her to go first but then she push me closer to the coner of the dark scary attic .so i went first we heard a a door slam was rubysroom door we ran as fast as we can i fall and we was all ready out of the attic i got up and we ran dwon stairs to her room. the door was closed and we were home alone. i remember i left the door open we slowly open the door and there was a scary box coverd in duck tape. we had to to cut the tape it had this wried smell it smelled like smoke we opend it after spending and hour taking off the duck tape . we looked in side the box and there was nothing in there . ruby said what was that smell we went to the kitcen and there were are parents we woke up and it turns out it was all a dream. 

                                                                       The end


The Unknown

MEEHHHHHHH........ It could use some grammer corrections, but other than that I liked it.

Jan 28, 2020


I enjoyed it

Jan 09, 2020


10/10 i love it jk but 10/10 i like it

Dec 11, 2019

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