Posted On: 05-Feb-2024 08:09:52 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: gsoto27

I HATE summer.

It's raining today, I love the rain. I love gloomy weather I don't know how people like summer more than winter or spring. I hate summer. People romanticize summer so much but once it's here those same people are complaining. You can't wear normal clothes without sweating to death, you can't sleep comfortably, people get angry in the heat, people are stinky sweaty and sticky, everybody is just in a bad mood. Everybody sees summer as just going to the beach and getting tan but even the beach sucks, it's hot, you get burnt, sand gets EVERYWHERE, literally everywhere. The walk back is horrible, carrying heavy things the sand burning your feet, being tired and uncomfortable because sand is everywhere and when you're wet from swimming everything feels sticky, your hair feels gross because of the water. I hate summer. I would choose winter or spring over it literally any day. EASILY. Summer is only nice because we don't have any school but even then it gets boring, nobody is going to the beach every single day. You can't even escape the heat, it's everywhere and it's horrible. 


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