Posted On: 05-Feb-2024 08:14:25 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Jazzy

The box

I found a box yesterday while I was cleaning my room and I found lots of things that belonged to me and it was all my stuff I used to use when I was stressed out. I found my pop its my kinetic sand and play-doh. I also found my old journal and some of the things I used to write and doodle on and it brought back so many memories and sometimes it wasn't like good stuff. I found two things that weren't in my liking and It made me sad because I was like, "bro why would I do this" know?. I can't say what some of the times were but they weren't good AT ALL. But I don't do it anymore and if you could take a guess on what it is then I think you might know.


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