Posted On: 05-Feb-2024 08:15:19 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: HunnyBunch

Quince Dress shopping

Quince Dress Shopping

So im already 15 but I originally didnt want a quince so i never planned it and never thought of it. Now that I did turn 15 and ive seen my friends planning theirs, it made me want to have one too. But i didnt really want on at first because i dont wear dresses like that and i dont like too much attention. But anyways i am having one and this saturday that just passed i went dress shopping for my dream quince dress. When I was going i was really nervous but also really excited. I was also a bit worried because i thought it would be really difficult to find one that I like because welll.... im really picky and there are so many colors and designs to choose from. I went to go look with my aunt and while it took a while of going from shop to shop, i found MY DREAM DRESS. I dont know how I knew but when i saw my dress i just knew. Its royal blue and has a long train. i saw it and i knew it was the one. After that i didnt want to look further or explore more. I just knew. and now we've ordered it and have to wait for it to arrive. this dress really got me excited for my quince.


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