Posted On: 05-Feb-2024 08:16:51 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: melanie_melon

People Talking Smack

So by now there has been a lot of Drama lately, and at this point it's just supper annoying. First with my friends and now basically all the Freshmen's. So coming into this year I never liked the Freshmen class. They are just all supper annoying thinking they own this school, so they al act rude to everyone not caring about a thing. So I just really ignored them as much as possible. Then today 2/4-2/5, it has been poring lately. So there was an alert saying that since it's been raining so much there has been some flooding. So then like 2-3 schools closed because of it, which like of course lucky them but it's what ever. So then almost all the girls at school started emailing my father (the principal), or just posting stuff online saying how they need to cancel school because of the flooding or because it's cold. Like what is that. Since an email never came to cancel school they started cussing my dad out or just saying these rude things, or texting me saying how I need to convince my dad to cancel school. It just got really annoying, like just stop complaining already. Look at it this way, if the school day did get canceled then that means adding it to the end, it's like that because for the school year we have to be at school for a certain number of days. I just got really annoyed so I screen shotted every thing everyone has been posting. Like what gives you the right to say those things, especially post them about someone who has a family just because you' re mad, and also you should know that HIS DAUGHTER follows you so she can see it. I got so mad I posted things explaining and showing how mad I am. I called them out, then they deleted everything they posted like girl I know you posted it ok just because you deleted it don't mean nothing. I mean of course it was the freshmen's starting all this just because they disagree because it's not fair. Like life ain't fair get a grip. Also all them complaining about the flooding like I live over an hour away and the freeway os way more dangerous then the streets, so stop using dumb excuses. If they have any further complaints then they should talk about it in any type of GC they have instead of posting it, and keep my FATHER OUT OF IT. He does a lot for these girls and they're too thick headed to see that, someone really needs to teach these girls some matters because their parents didn't do a very good job raising them. At this point I'm just really annoyed and want these girls to grow up. Everyone who is on my side texted me and I appreciate them.


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