Posted On: 05-Feb-2024 08:40:48 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Franco

My favorite place to go to.

One of my favorite places to go to is the beach. I love to go to the beach during the summer because I think that going inside of the water cools me off. I also really like to make a lot of sandcastles with my brothers. My favorite thing to do at the beach is probably to go swimming in the water. When I go to the beach with my family we usually bring or make food to take and to eat at the beach together. Sometimes we make some ham, turkey, or tuna sandwiches to eat. We like to lay down a blanket on the sand and just relax while eating our food and we talk about some things. We usually leave the beach at around six thirty because by then it it almost night time and the beach is very far from my house. Probably about thirty minutes from my hous.


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