Posted On: 05-Feb-2024 10:07:23 Posted In: My Stories / BIRTTHDAY MA BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Posted By: nuggetlover09

My weekend

On Saturday, I had my first All Comers meet for track. My times werent anything great, but I didnt get last in the 200 meters, which is a win for me. On Sunday, I went to a Quince expo with my mom, two sisters, and niece. We had lots of fun, and we got to try out this 360 camera booth. We also got free pasta, meat, and cake. They also had a runaway for dresses, which a lot of them were super unique and pretty. Today is my birthday, which has been super fun and nice. My mom bought me a cake and Mcdonalds to share with friends, I got to overuse the my birthday joke to the point my friends got annoyed, and I had lots of fun joking with my friends. 


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