Posted On: 05-Feb-2024 10:23:40 Posted In: Life Experiences / Life
Posted By: violetteros3

The Rain

I have a deep hatred for the rain. I hate being cold and wet when it rains. I also hate the fact that it makes me so sluggish and tired. All I want to do is lie down in my bed at home. Sometimes I can't even do that because it's so cold even with my window closed. I hate the fact that when I go outside to take out the trash it's still so freezing and since my rainboots are in the car I have to wear my Crocs to go downstairs in the rain. My umbrella is also too big to go down the hallway outside so it makes this annoying scraping sound as I'm walking past. Especially with strong winds it also makes me go East as I'm walking West so I still get wet from the rain. The rain is so annoying. 


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