Posted On: 05-Feb-2024 10:32:07 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10


In the very beginning me and my friend used to just play game pigeon after school and just text about everything that went on that day. We would never speak to each other in school, just after school we would talk all day and stay up late texting. Then on May 27th he told me he liked me and then i told him i liked him. Then for 3 months we talked for a while and we would text and call all the time. In the beginning he was very awkward and he didn't know how to start a conversation but over time it got way easier. Then on September 15, 2023 he asked me to be his girlfriend, over text, in the middle of an argument. But i still said yes of corse. But the day after, we hung out and it made up for it. We have now been dating for 4 months but in 10 days we will be together for 5 months. We are best friends and we tell each other everything with drama and what happens in our lives. One of my favorite things about us is that our restaurant is In n Out and we always go there to eat when we are out together. Sometimes he could have an attitude though but its okay. He could sometimes be funny and his style is pretty good. He doesn't believe that we are best friends but he just doesn't want to admit it. I love him so so so much and he is my favorite person to hang out with. 


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