Posted On: 06-Feb-2024 03:59:09 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah


Sharks aren't as bad as you think in my opinion. Yes, they can be very murderous creatures, but they  don’t usually attack humans unless they mistaken you as food. There are many ways you take control over a shark so it doesn‘t harm you. A fun fact is that you can eat them. They might be hard to catch though. Did you know that sharks roll their eyed back when they attack prey? I think this fact is super cool. I also think it’s cool how a male shark is called a bull and a female is called nurse shark and babies are called pups. One more fact, their skeletons are made of cartilage, that’s what’s in our ears. I think sharks are super cool if you don’t look at the bad.


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