Posted On: 06-Feb-2024 09:08:56 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: vivvilla8259


alina is my friend. she is very funny and quiet. but still very funny and she has very soft and nice hair. she lets my comb her hair. she also lets me crack her hands and draw on her during religion. and one time she told  e to cover her whole hand and i did but then she told me to stop…….………… so i did and her hand looked SO NICE it was a work of art. i also like her glasses because they are so nice. usually i draw some butterflies, hearts, her name in cursive, flowers, and a lot more….. but it’s ok because it’s funnnnnnnnnnn. she is also very smart. and she sometimes helps me when i need help with something. soo yah that’s my friend alina. 


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