Posted On: 07-Feb-2024 10:07:09 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10

my nails done

I haven't got my nails done in a very long time and i really want them done. I see my hands at a completely level when i have my nails done. If you are around me a lot, i always have my hands in my sleeve because i am very insecure about my hands and how they look very manly. Then when i have my nails done they look literally perfect and there is nothing wrong with them. I just got off the phone with my dad and i think i might get my nails done today and if i do get them done then that would be so good because my friend also loves when i have my nails done because he is just very blown away when he sees that my nails are done. I really really deeply want my nails done badly. 


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