Posted On: 08-Feb-2024 04:07:04 Posted In: Other / aaaaaa
Posted By: mruiz16

What did I do during break??

While I was in break I didn’t do much I did go out but not like other weeks. On Friday, after school we right away went back home.  When we got back home I just ate and while I was eating I watched my show Gilmore Girls. Once I finished eating I went back to my room and I watched TikTok for a while and then fell asleep for like 2-3 hours. When I woke up I had went downstairs and did my homework which I had finished all of it that day. Basically on Friday I didn’t do much but just stayed home the whole afternoon/night. Furthermore, on Saturday I actually went out to Target with my mom and brothers we got Starbucks that day which was amazing. I had gotten a Strawberry Açaí, my mom had gotten a hot coffee and my brother got a pineapple passion fruit lemonade. From there we just walked around target and my mom got the stuff she needed. I had just gotten a body scrub that smells so good which was watermelon. And yea that was all I did on Saturday it was a pretty fun day because I love Target and Starbucks. Moreover, on Sunday me and my family had went to Church which was host by little Sacred it was a nice mass. After the mass has ended they had a little event at there school which they had food, dances, shops, etc. It was really nice but it was freezing and it started raining so we left and went to IHOP which was really yummy. From there we just went back home and I fell asleep again which was an amazing nap. My parents had went to a nice date so I was just taking care of my little brothers we got Wingstop that day it was really good. Overall, my break was pretty decent I had fun hopefully this week we could go out more. 


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