Posted On: 13-Feb-2024 07:41:58 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: marilynflores

Valentines Day

So im basically trying to fnish getting all the gifts i need for valentines day its a couple things so im like nervouse i wont have enough money becuse ive been saving. MOst of my orders already came in the mail so all i really need is like a basket becuase i feel like thats whats really important because its cute and yeah i just want to be able to maybe i just need a little more time. Im thinking of just getting his favorite candies and drinks. Overall i guess i am a little nervouse that it isnt enoug. But i am excited to see what im getting becyase i always get really good gifts so i feel like ill get nice things but im not too sure. At the end of the day anything is fine.


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