Posted On: 14-Feb-2024 04:35:32 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Stacey Flores

Valentines Day

Today is Febuary 14, I have a valentine. Its not my boyfriend but my bestfriend. My boyfriend didnt ask me until last night around 10pm.  I said no because he was asking me a few hours before and over the phone.That made me really sad. My friend, Angela her boyfriend didnt ask her either so we decided we are going to be each others valentine. We want to go to wingstop but today is ash wednsday so we cant eat chicken so we are probably going tomorrow or during the weekend. In my family valentines day is a big deal for my dad. He goes all out for my mom every year. He also gets me and my sister flowers. Overall I hate valentines day.