Posted On: 14-Feb-2024 05:10:52 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: HunnyBunch


So there has been videos of my pookie bear Peso Pluma cheating on his girlfriend, well EX girlfriend now, Nikki Nicole. These videos started to spread a while after the super bowl because he " cheated " the night of the super bowl. He was caught by himself in a casino in Las Vegas with another girl that wasnt his girlfriend. They were sitting together and looked really close, they even left together walking together holding hands. I was actually so devestated to see this because he just doesnt seem like the kind of person to cheat on his girlfriend. He is so humble and so kind hearted i dont think he would have done this. I was also sad for Nikki :( There was also another video that came up that Nikki was caught holding hands with another man, which was her manager, but that she supposedly cheated first. Im not sure what to think about all of it but im just really sad about it. He looked so in love with her and was always talking about her in such a loving way. It is offically over between them and even though peso Pluma is my husband, im not gonna deny that they looked cute together. I lowks wish this was a bad dream or a stunt from oth of them but it doesnt seem like it. I hope the best for both of them tho. Still sadness. " Por Las Noches " is gonna hit harder now. :(


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