Posted On: 14-Feb-2024 09:47:29 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10

Ash Wednesday

What I know about Ash Wednesday is that on Ash Wednesay we sacrifice something for Jesus because that’s what he did for us. We give up something for 40 days, or until Easter Sunday. We celebrate Jesus and what he had to go through for us. It is important because Jesus Christ went through suffering for us, so on these 40 days of lent we give something up that we eat, do, or drink a lot for him to show that we care. I like Ash Wednesday because getting the ashes could be very funny and exciting. I am excited to see how my ashes will turn out. It could be funny because we get to see how other peoples turned out and if they are messy or a perfect cross.


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