Posted On: 16-Feb-2024 08:11:41 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: s3renaaaa

Softball Game

Yesterdays game was so bad. Like it was a literal joke it was not cute at all. We lost so bad its not even funny. there were so many mistakes that could have easily been fixed. The girls would make a mistake but then let it determine their entire game. That just made me mad because theres always going to be a mistake you are going to make. It is just a part of the game, like it literally just matters how you are going to do to come back from that mistake. Like you got the next one. The pitching wasn't there either, we only had one pitcher and at some point we had to switch, we went through like three people. They weren't really pitchers, they were just put in because we had no one else. We had lost our other one because she was on probation but she isn't anymore.


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