Posted On: 16-Feb-2024 08:28:53 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: jackie

Service Hours

                                                                                     Service Hours 

I personally kind of like doing it because I get to go to my middle school and do it there. What I mostly do at my middle school is help put books back in the libary. When I get there they have a cart of books that they need me to put back. Sometimes I help in the office or in other places around the school. I mostly go every Friday and when I get there, they tell me they have been waiting for me. The 8th grade class gets out around 3:20 pm, so I finish around 3:15. I usally wait for them until they come out because so I can say bye to them and that I will see them next week. So I kind of like doing service hours. 


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