Posted On: 20-Feb-2024 05:10:15 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: alinayanez9

Winter is better then summer

My opinion is that winter is way better than summer. I hate hate hate the hot weather. I prefer cold weather. Although I might be cold I can easily warm myself up with layers, blankets and warmers, but in summer I only have fans which barely work and air conditioning which I don’t have sadly. In winter it’s rains and snows which is so calming and I love. I grew up with parents that like to adventure and go to the mountains so I grew up with snow and rain. I always went to tear mountains to go off roading or just for vacation. For summer I would go to the beach and Palm Springs. literally all I do is shop, eat and swim and probably burn or tan. And my makeup will Last longer in winter other than summer. BUT I STILL LOVE SUMMER. They both have great aesthetics. 


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