Posted On: 20-Feb-2024 07:32:53 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: blueberrymentos

Im in love with summer

I'm so excited for the first day of summer vacation to come. I like cold weather, but ive always just been a summer girl. I love the the summer breeze outside, especially at the beach when its all warm and the breeze is cold. I love being able to go out and dress down, and I especially love tanning at the beach and being able to run around outside with my friends. Even if its a pain to wash my hair after, I cant wait to play around with my friends in the water. Summer is when I have all my free time and I cant wait to go out and do things like shopping and just walk around in the sun. Summer is also the start of school volleyball season and I couldnt be any more excited. I cant wait for volleyball season, its my favorite part of the year. 


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