Posted On: 20-Feb-2024 07:44:18 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: vivvilla8259


Nala was my old dog. She was a golden retriever. She had a pink nose and beautiful green eyes. She died in 2019. Her cause of death was that her appendix exploded. When me and my mom came home we found her lying down on the porch very weak and could barely walk. she was also very pale. So with our strength we picked her up and put her in the car. We rushed to the vet and my mom called my dad, told him that it'll cost a lot of money to perform surgery and my dad said that it was already her time and said to put her to sleep. When i found out i was bursting with tears. I cried for about two hours and had used a whole box of tissues. they let me cut a piece of her hair and we got a paper with her paw print. we got her cremated. soo yah. 


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