Posted On: 21-Feb-2024 09:32:51 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: bellabells1212


PlayDay is a day at school were we basically or quite literally put on a play for the school.  The freshman class is doing Alice in Wonderland and it is going pretty good so far.  I am apart of the acting crew and I am playing the Cheshire Cat.  I think it is going pretty good because today was the first time actually acting and all of us were able to get the hang of it and make corrections if we messed up.  I think our next practice will be even better.  We still need music to dance too but I am not part of that department to I just have to wait.  But I am actually quite excited for PlayDay and I am not scared or embarrassed.  This is definitely something I am not used too but I am excited.



I love this article ten thumbs up!

May 26, 2024

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