Posted On: 24-Feb-2024 03:10:28 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: lovb.angie22


 It's Sunday morning, and my alarm clock blasts in my ears. So much for sleeping in. I stand up groggily and rub my eyes. I walk to the bathroom to begin my morning. I let the shower run for a few minutes so the water could warm up. When I enter the shower, I immediately feel a sensation of relaxation radiate throughout my entire body. I stepped out and wrapped my towel over myself once I finished. I wipe down my foggy mirror and start brushing my teeth. The minty coolness in my mouth awoke me from my drowsiness. I rinse off my mouth and begin washing my face with the new cleanser I bought. It leaves my skin feeling hydrated and silky. I exit the bathroom and change my clothes. My attire is simple because I only have errands to run today. I prepare my breakfast and begin to eat. After I finish, I go in my car and start driving to get my weekly necessities. I went to Target, and the supermarket. As I drive back home, my eyesight begins to dim and I hear someone in the background shouting my name. I reacted immediately. I begin to gain my consciousness by looking around me. Realizing that it was all a dream. When in reality, I should be preparing for my first day of high school.   


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