Posted On: 28-Feb-2024 04:53:13 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: melanie_melon


POEM: I’m Just A Girl 

I’m just a girl

Who always has a smile on

But feels like she’s drowning;

All the pressure to be perfect is to much to bare

So lets starting from the very beginning;

Starting with the good education we all deserve

Straight A’s was the only option;

I’m just a girl

Being the principles daughter is next, And one of the worse feelings

All the stares and dirty looks I’ve learned to forget

Makes school harder to continue with a smile; 

I’m just a girl

Who loves her sport

But cries at night cause she’s not perfect

Everyone has something nice to say, But those who are close are the worse to judge 

Makes me hate Softball 

But even with all the pressure, I love this sport

And could never give up that part of me;

I’m just a girl

Who loves her family and friends, But finds it hard to love herself;

Who hates the pressure, But looks for constant approval;

I’m just trying to be that little girl inside, Who I know is alive


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