Posted On: 28-Feb-2024 05:41:17 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: avocados :)


Something I don't understand is why there is multiple religions? Because I think there should only be two. Either you don't believe in God (atheist), or you do which then there is where your Christian or Catholic. But there is where I don't think there should be two religions, because it doesn't make sense. If there is one God then why should we do different things, like how come some religions don't pray to saints, or believe they're there, because if you can believe in a God then I'm sure you can believe in saints. And like why do we practice different things if it's all "going" to the same God. And I feel theres so many Gods, like shouldn't there only be one? Like there is only one God, but we have Jesus as other cultures have like Buddhas. 


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