Posted On: 28-Feb-2024 09:41:56 Posted In: Other / Other
Posted By: mari_123

Things that I love

I love love love music that's like my number one thing that I love so so much like I love listening to it while doing my homework, or when the teacher says we can listen to music while doing our work, or when I'm like working out, when I'm cleaning or just like walking to school or going somewhere. Another thing that I like is softball. Ive been doing softball since I was 9 years old and I pretty good at it and it just makes me happy because I get to see my best friends from travel ball and I love my friends for travel ball softball. I also love my family and just spending time with my mom and my sister because we don't really get. to have a day where its just us three going out and it happens rarely and I just love having our girls day because we get to like talk more than we do and just relax.


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