Posted On: 28-Feb-2024 09:43:15 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3


The avatar live action is incredible. It is amazing from the actors down to the minute details there are. It is not as exact copy. However there are many similarities and details that match. The characters also do not look exactly the same, but you can tell who is who. Like Suki, one of the Kyoshi warriors, you can tell that she is Suki without the makeup. Although, one of the characters, Azula, does not look like her character. The actors face is very wide and the animated character's face is very slim. Same thing as Zuko. In the live action, Azula and Zuko do look like siblings, but they don't look like the animated characters from the show. In my opinion, I think they could have done better with the casting. 


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