Posted On: 01-Mar-2024 07:37:39 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10


Freedom is the right to do what you want and not having someone else tell you what to do. Freedom is also something that could be given to you or something that could be earned. Yes I think we have the right to be free but to a certain extent. I believe this because there are things that are illegal in the United States and the same thing at Sacred Heart. There are guidelines we have to follow in order to have freedom. We have the right to be free but if we going over the extent they give us, we could be punished. Freedom is the right to act or speak how ever we want. I do not believe we have freedom, we have rules and other things we need to follow. Also woman do not have rights because we will either be targeted or be made fun of if we had actual freedom. 


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