Posted On: 01-Mar-2024 08:03:36 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: jollyrancher


Let me tell you how to make a delicious waffle incse you dont know how to. So first you get a waffle. Then you go to your toaster and put the waffle inside of the toaster. Then you turn the settings to the correct temperature, i recommand putting it to 2 or even 3. Then you wait untill the waffle pops up. while you are waiting you can go and grab yourself a plate. Onces the waffle pops up you want to wait until it cools down for a bit then you can grab it. onces it cools down you are going to take it out and put it on a plate. You can add any toppings you want like chocolate, whip cream, strawberrys or srawberrry syrup. Thn you can enjoy your delicious waffle. And thats how you make a delicious waffle.


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