Posted On: 02-Mar-2024 04:08:42 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: nhiguera


The media , the media is a dark place but can also be a very positive place for example you can post the simpilets thing and people will find the one thing that is "wrong" with the picture and make a rumored or share it with everyone online. The internet is a very scary place and it is for sure not a private place to do your personal things on ,rumors  start gossip goes around lies are being told over one post you posted for fun but its just the internet they say but it so much more deeper than that. The media affects everyone from a-list celebrities to normal people like you and me like celebrities get lies, gossip about them all day everyday but they are "use to it " there supposed to people say but most of them those comments actually affect them and there career.


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