Posted On: 05-Mar-2024 07:04:38 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Isabella Lopez

Play day practices

As play day is slowly approaching I know that I am getting nervous because it is almost here and we know what the classes are doing but at the same time we don’t know that they are going to do from the scenes of the book they choose. I would say I am more nervous to find out who the judges are going to be because the judges can make or break who is going to win play day and will tell who tried their hardest and actually put the effort in to work hard to make sure the whole class knows what they are doing and to make sure everything has good timing. In our class I know that we are taking our time to get things done but I think that if we all put in the right amount of effort in we have a good chance of winning or just doing our best. 


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