Posted On: 05-Mar-2024 07:06:51 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: marilynflores


So we’re doing presentations in religion and it’s really annoying. We can’t have our iPads but it’s like really boring and annoying. I already presented and I know it’s like bad but idk like it’s annoying. We’re sitting doing nothing and it’s annoying because like it’s so so boring. I’m genuinely so bored like there’s nothing else to do \. I literally don’t want to see people present/ o think ,asking us present is dumb because there’s no point. I don’t like this clad because it’s just really boring. The presentations are so boring and it’s like half of the people don’t even want to present so it’s pretty pointless to like have to do this because it’s annoying.                                  


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