Posted On: 05-Mar-2024 07:56:50 Posted In: Other / Other
Posted By: victoria

Victoria Needs A B+

Victoria Needs A B+

I need a B+. I do all my work and make up all my work and still do get the grade. I do my work neatly and always ask for help whether its my friends or looking it up. I always finish my work before I talk to my friends and sit in my seat. When I don't sit in my seat it is, because Marrisa sits in my seat. I deserve a B+. I am a hardworking student and and always helping others. I am also really funny and get along with all my teachers. I have A's and B's in my other classes except for computer science. So in order for my parents not to scold me or beat me I need my grade up. I put in the work all the time. Neither the less there are much more reason why I need my grade up. 


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