Posted On: 08-Mar-2024 01:10:38 Posted In: Paranormal / ghost
Posted By: bug-a-boo

The legend of La llorona

The story starts with a female whose origin dates back more or less to the time of the creation of Mexico, with the arrival of the Spaniards to these lands. According to legend, there was a native woman who had an affair with a Spanish gentleman; the relationship reached the point where the woman gave birth to three beautiful children, whose mother devotedly cared for them.

As this couple continued to hide from everyone to take advantage of their bond, their days of love ran between lies and shadows. After forming her family, the woman wanted to ensure that her children had a full-time father, which is why she asked the Spaniard to formalize the relationship. Due to his status as an upper-class member, he frequently dodged this request from his lover, possibly for fear of what they would say.

After the woman's constant insistence and the man's refusal, sometime later the latter left her to marry a lady from Spanish high society. Once the native woman found out, she was devastated and wounded by deceit and betrayal. She was so desperate that she took her three children to the riverbank, where she gave them one last hug as a symbol of her love for them, only to sink them to death. Subsequently, she ended her life, and her conscience and guilt constantly tormented her.

From that moment on, the painful cries of the woman are heard in the river where the event took place. Some people claim to have seen her wandering desperately, with a deep cry of pain and regret for her children. Her guilt does not let her rest, her complaint is heard near the main square; people looking out the window of their residences describe a woman dressed entirely in white, with a slim build and black hair. In Lake Texcoco, she is calling for her disappeared children.


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