Posted On: 08-Mar-2024 02:33:18 Posted In: Hobby / HI
Posted By: mruiz16

What is my favorite things to do when I am bored

When I am bored I usually do the same thing or sometimes tend to do other things that I don't do. For instance, when I am bored I usually be on my phone watching Tiktok or Netflix or either scrolling on Pinterest. Something that I will be watching on Netflix is You but that's a recent show that I have started watching. Before I started watching You I was watching Gilmore girls which I took very long to watch because there were times where I would watch other shows or movies. But I really like Gilmore girls because it's funny,sad,interesting,etc. Moreover, on Pinterest I usually see outfit inspos, lip gloss or lip oil recommendations or also aesthetic photos. But when I get bored of using my phone I tend to take a nap for an hour or two. Or another thing that I would do is read or color. Overall, it really depends on my mood in what I really want to do when I'm bored.


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